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Facebook Lead Ads

Facebook Lead Ads, Opt-In Advertising,

Four Things You Need To Know About Facebook Lead Ads

5 Reasons You Should Try Facebook Lead Ads Today

Whether you’ve been running a variety of Facebook ad types or are considering your first foray into Facebook, Lead Ads offer a compelling advertising opportunity. After all, just about everyone is on Facebook! Lead Ads are a little more complex to set up than other ad types, but they also offer many unique features you wouldn’t otherwise find on the site. Read on to learn four things about Facebook Lead Ads before you start your next campaign.

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Facebook Lead Ads, Opt-In Advertising,

3 Ways Opt-In Advertising Is Better Than Facebook Lead Ads

Opt-in advertising beats Facebook Lead Ads

Facebook is always in the news for one topic or another. But one feature that gets overlooked by many marketers is Facebook Lead Ads. This is one of Facebook’s newer ad types and offers an interactive unit that pre-fills known user information in a lead form, making lead generation quick and painless for the potential lead and the business. Or does it? Facebook Lead Ads have a history of underdelivering or yielding a higher Cost Per Lead than other lead sources. If you’re struggling with Facebook Lead Ads, here are three reasons to try opt-in advertising instead.

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Ad Targeting, Budget Optimization, Facebook Lead Ads, Lead Ad Creative, Opt-In Advertising,

What Facebook’s Newsfeed Updates Mean For Facebook Lead Ads

facebook lead ads newsfeed

If you run a Facebook page for your business, you’ve probably heard about the recent changes the site is making to the Newsfeed. They’ve framed it as a shift to focus on updates from friends and family, a return to the first years of Facebook. But what does that mean for brand pages, particularly those running Facebook Lead Ads? Some say a lot; others, very little. It all comes down to how you’ve been using Facebook for your business all along, including Facebook Lead Ads.

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Ad Targeting, Facebook Lead Ads, Leads Without Landing Pages,

What To Do When You’re Fed Up With Facebook’s Cost Per Lead

Test Facebook Lead Ads

Facebook is undoubtedly one of the most powerful websites out there. Marketers have been trying to harness that power for their own use for years, trying and testing each new feature and ad type to see what works for their brand or industry. So when Facebook launched Facebook Lead Ads, we were ecstatic. Finally! A new advertising type that made generating leads without landing pages possible on the most popular social network.

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Ad Targeting, Facebook Lead Ads, Facebook Tips,

How to Use Facebook Custom Audiences to Generate Leads

facebook custom audiences

Facebook’s Custom Audiences offers a powerful targeting platform that allows you to upload lists of current customers and email subscribers and match them to Facebook profiles for ad targeting. But wait—if you’ve already got their email address, what more could you want from them? Turns out, a lot. With Facebook Custom Audiences you can create lookalike models for additional ad targeting, as well as retarget known users to drive conversions. Here are just a few ways to use Facebook Custom Audiences to generate opt-in leads and increase conversions.

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Facebook Lead Ads,

Are Facebook Lead Ads Right For You?

Test Facebook Lead Ads

If you’re looking to build your email list, you’ve probably wondered if Facebook Lead Ads are right for you. It’s a tempting proposition: access to Facebook’s enormous network, coupled with their existing knowledge of users and access to their contact information. This makes it incredibly easy for a Facebook user to opt-in to your Facebook Lead Ads. The question is: at what cost?

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Facebook Lead Ads,

3 Reasons to try Facebook Lead Ads…and 1 Reason Not To

Nearly everyone has a Facebook account these days, from pre-teens to grandparents. Each generation uses it a little differently, but there’s no denying it has tremendous influence in today’s digital world. Facebook’s ad targeting capabilities are second to none, and Facebook Lead Ads can be an incredibly powerful tool to help build your email list. But are they right for you? Here are a few reasons they work well and are worth testing…and one reason you might want to focus lead generation efforts elsewhere.

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Advanced Lead Tactics, Facebook Lead Ads, Facebook Tips,

Advanced Tips for Facebook Lead Generation

facebook lead generation tips

There are a tremendous number of options available when building a Facebook lead generation campaign. The targeting capabilities, form builder and multiple media types are very powerful, but they can also be overwhelming when you’re first starting to capture leads without landing pages on Facebook. First-time Facebook lead generation campaigns may be a bit simpler. But as you gain experience with the platform, it can be beneficial to dig into the more advanced options available to you. Here are a few opportunities to boost your Facebook lead generation performance.

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Facebook Lead Ads, Facebook Tips,

5 Foolproof Facebook Lead Ad Headlines

facebook lead ad headlines

In some ways, landing pages are easier for copywriters to take on: there’s an endless page to be filled with copy. But does anyone read all that? Not really. As you embark on generating leads without landing pages, space is at a premium. Each word must be carefully selected to help move people through the funnel.

Headlines may be the trickiest part of any advertising campaign. Not too long…but not too short, either. One word won’t do, but a Facebook Lead Ad has limited space. You’ve only got 25-40 characters to play with. So every word has to count! Your headline should be straightforward and to the point. No superfluous, flowery language here! Make it succinct and direct with a clear Call To Action in the headline, as well as the CTA button.

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Facebook Lead Ads, Facebook Tips,

Top Tips For Testing Your Facebook Lead Ads

testing Facebook Lead Ads

Whether it’s your first or your fifteenth time running Facebook Lead Ads, your campaign can almost always benefit from testing and optimization. Even top-performing campaigns eventually become stale or oversaturate their audience. A few tweaks at various points can keep your Facebook Lead Ads running efficiently, providing you with high-quality leads to nurture and convert into customers.

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