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The Easiest Way To Lower Cost Per Lead

How retargeting previous email subscribers could mean major savings.

If you’ve got an unsubscriber list, you’ve got a great way to lower your cost per lead. The old adage that “it costs less to keep a customer than find a new one” applies here. A previous email subscriber who opted out of your list is already familiar with you, and has joined your email database before. Except in a few extreme cases, they are much more likely to recognize your name and resubscribe than a brand new sign-up would be. That’s where a campaign to winback unsubscribers and get them to rejoin your list comes in. Which means more leads for less money and a lower CPL. Here’s how it works:

Identify and Analyze Your List of Email Unsubscribers

Look at your list of unsubscribed email addresses. How big is the list? How far back does it go? And what do you know about these unsubscribers, including why they opted out and what their engagement or purchase history was before they unsubscribed?

Answering these questions will help determine how many campaigns to run, as well as what the primary message should be and what kind of lead nurturing is required as follow-up. A fairly recent unsubscriber with no complaints is an easy candidate for a simple campaign to winback unsubscribers with a fairly standard offer. But an unsubscriber who hasn’t visited or purchased in a long time may need a harder sell. The size, age and health of your list will determine how many winback campaigns you’ll need to run.

Retarget and Resubscribe Previous Email Subscribers

Once your list is in place, it’s time to launch a campaign to winback unsubscribers and lower your cost per lead. Depending on the size and makeup of your list you may have more than one campaign running, but the general idea is the same. 

An approved partner, like Opt-Intelligence, takes an encrypted version of your unsubscriber list and uses it to look for hashed matches across the web. So while the publisher never see the actual email address of the unsubscriber, the hashed email will match the hashed version on their site when that user signs in or signs up for something else. This allows you to safely retarget previous subscribers on the websites they already know and love, without worrying about violating any data privacy or SPAM regulations. The best part? You only pay for the users who actually opt-in and rejoin your email list.

Develop Specific Lead Nurturing Campaigns for Resubscribers

They’re back! Now what are you going to say to them? A campaign to winback unsubscribers is only as good as the follow-up that keeps them on your email list this time around. Email them within 24 hours of resubscribing, or automate your initial lead nurturing email if at all possible. Email engagement is critical in the early stages, so make sure you deliver on your promised offer and optimize your subject lines to maximize open rate. You’ve successfully resubscribed these users to your list—now it’s time to convert them into customers again. 

Compare these resubscribed email addresses to your new subscribers and we’re confident you’ll find a higher quality of lead at a lower cost per lead. Ready to see for yourself? Get started with a free evaluation today.

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Leads Without Landing Pages, Opt-In Advertising,

New Year, New Lead Generation Resolutions

The new year brings the perfect time to take a new approach to lead generation. Whether you’ve been generating a high volume of leads but lacking quality, haven’t managed to scale your lead generation efforts, or simply haven’t been pursuing lead generation at all, now is the time. Here are a few things to keep in mind as you evolve your lead generation strategy and resolve to generate more leads with more efficiency and better tracking than ever before.

Develop Data Privacy Guidelines

2018 brought GDPR, the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation. 2019 heralded CCPA, the United States’ own California Consumer Privacy Act. 2020 brings enforcement of CCPA, and the promise of more data privacy rules and regulations. While the specifics of each may vary, the general principle of giving consumers control over their data remains. And it necessitates maintaining tracked consent and diligent data practices. Double opt-in can help you ensure your have verifiable proof of consent for your email list, and is a great first step towards developing your own data privacy guidelines.

Retarget and Resubscribe 

Retargeting ads can be highly successful, and it’s been shown that resubscribed email users have higher conversions rates at a faster pace than new subscribers. So what if you could retarget unsubscribed email addresses? This year, resolve to retarget the right way with a winback campaign that matches unsubscribed email addresses and displays opt-in ads to make it quick and easy to resubscribe, no inbox required.

Expand Your Email List

A data compliant list full of newly resubscribed users is a great start to a new year, but you also need to fill your pipeline with new leads. Opt-in advertising allows you to target users on the websites they already frequent, and co-registration means they can join your list in just a few clicks. There is no landing page, and no wasted clicks. Just new leads ready to turn into customers. 

Want to get started? We can help! Get a free evaluation today.

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Opt-In Advertising,

3 Ways To Use Data to Win Back Customers

win back customers

Whether you use a sophisticated CRM or a basic inventory and customer database, you have a lot of data on your customers and their purchase behavior. You also have an unsubscribed list of users, many of whom are probably former customers who you would like to win back. The catch? You can’t use the information you have on these unsubscribed users to reactivate or resubscribe them via email, because–you guessed it–they’ve unsubscribed! But that doesn’t mean you can’t target them in other ways.

The data you have on your current and former customers can be used to make targeted, fact-based assumptions about your unsubscribed email list. Here are three ways to use data to win back customers.

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