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Ad Targeting

Ad Targeting,

Why Lead Generation Is The Most Important Part Of Your Marketing Strategy

lead generation

There are many facets to online marketing: banner ads, search engine optimization, social media marketing, email, and more. But without lead generation, your marketing will never be as effective as it could be. Lead generation fills your pipeline with qualified leads, giving you an interested group to utilize other marketing tactics on. It also provides a solid base to build lookalike models on: these leads have opted in because they are interested in what you have to offer, so it stands to reason that similar people would be interested, too.

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Ad Targeting,

Using Geo-Location Data For Lead Generation

geo-location data for lead generation

The ubiquity of GPS on mobile devices has made geo-location data an integral part of ad targeting. Gone are the days of Bond villain homing beacons and tracking devices. Now, nearly every cellphone transmits location data and provides the user with maps and hyper-local suggestions for food, entertainment, and more. Apps can use your device’s location in conjunction with a geofence to remind you that you’re due for a shopping trip, or that a new pizza shop just opened up. But it’s not just brick-and-mortar retailers that are benefitting. Your lead generation strategy should make use of geo-location data, too. Here’s how:

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Ad Targeting, Budget Optimization, Facebook Lead Ads, Lead Ad Creative, Opt-In Advertising,

What Facebook’s Newsfeed Updates Mean For Facebook Lead Ads

facebook lead ads newsfeed

If you run a Facebook page for your business, you’ve probably heard about the recent changes the site is making to the Newsfeed. They’ve framed it as a shift to focus on updates from friends and family, a return to the first years of Facebook. But what does that mean for brand pages, particularly those running Facebook Lead Ads? Some say a lot; others, very little. It all comes down to how you’ve been using Facebook for your business all along, including Facebook Lead Ads.

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Ad Targeting, Facebook Lead Ads, Leads Without Landing Pages,

What To Do When You’re Fed Up With Facebook’s Cost Per Lead

Test Facebook Lead Ads

Facebook is undoubtedly one of the most powerful websites out there. Marketers have been trying to harness that power for their own use for years, trying and testing each new feature and ad type to see what works for their brand or industry. So when Facebook launched Facebook Lead Ads, we were ecstatic. Finally! A new advertising type that made generating leads without landing pages possible on the most popular social network.

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Ad Targeting, Facebook Lead Ads, Facebook Tips,

How to Use Facebook Custom Audiences to Generate Leads

facebook custom audiences

Facebook’s Custom Audiences offers a powerful targeting platform that allows you to upload lists of current customers and email subscribers and match them to Facebook profiles for ad targeting. But wait—if you’ve already got their email address, what more could you want from them? Turns out, a lot. With Facebook Custom Audiences you can create lookalike models for additional ad targeting, as well as retarget known users to drive conversions. Here are just a few ways to use Facebook Custom Audiences to generate opt-in leads and increase conversions.

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Ad Targeting,

One Quick Tip To Fast Track Your Facebook Lead Ad

facebook lead ads relevance

There are a lot of moving parts to a Facebook Lead Ad. From creative to call-to-action, form fields to friend-of-a-friend targeting, every aspect of your Facebook lead generation campaign is carefully crafted to work together for lowest cost per lead and highest lead quality. But what if your cost per lead is higher than you’d like? Or you’re struggling to convert these leads and need more qualified potential customers? There’s one quick fix that can drastically improve your Facebook lead generation efforts: retargeting.

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Ad Targeting, Facebook Lead Ads,

6 Strange Targeting Options For Facebook Lead Generation

Facebook lead generation targeting

Facebook holds a wealth of data about its users. The majority of this is gleaned through social interactions: every like, event RSVP, emoji reaction and search is catalogued to create a remarkably in-depth profile of each user. Most have also filled out basic demographic data upon sign-up, and location services on mobile devices fills in the rest. Finally, Facebook will partner with data companies to provide even more robust advertising options, most often on the financial and purchasing side. And they’re constantly refining what’s available to marketers. Which means you can get pretty creative with your targeting! Here are a just a few of the ways to make use of these unique targeting capabilities for Facebook lead generation.

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Ad Targeting, Facebook Lead Ads, Facebook Tips, Lead Ad Creative,

How To Tell When It’s Time To Refresh Your Facebook Lead Ads

facebook lead ads relevance

It can take a few days to get up and running, but once those Facebook Lead Ads are at full steam, you should be seeing strong clicks to your Facebook lead form and lead completion rates. Hooray! You’re running a successful leads without landing pages campaign. But then, something happens. Slowly, your completion rate dips and over time you notice a distinct downward trend. This doesn’t mean your Facebook Lead Ad campaign is doomed. It just means it’s time to refresh all or part of the campaign.

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