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Leads Without Landing Pages, Opt-In Advertising,

New Year, New Lead Generation Resolutions

The new year brings the perfect time to take a new approach to lead generation. Whether you’ve been generating a high volume of leads but lacking quality, haven’t managed to scale your lead generation efforts, or simply haven’t been pursuing lead generation at all, now is the time. Here are a few things to keep in mind as you evolve your lead generation strategy and resolve to generate more leads with more efficiency and better tracking than ever before.

Develop Data Privacy Guidelines

2018 brought GDPR, the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation. 2019 heralded CCPA, the United States’ own California Consumer Privacy Act. 2020 brings enforcement of CCPA, and the promise of more data privacy rules and regulations. While the specifics of each may vary, the general principle of giving consumers control over their data remains. And it necessitates maintaining tracked consent and diligent data practices. Double opt-in can help you ensure your have verifiable proof of consent for your email list, and is a great first step towards developing your own data privacy guidelines.

Retarget and Resubscribe 

Retargeting ads can be highly successful, and it’s been shown that resubscribed email users have higher conversions rates at a faster pace than new subscribers. So what if you could retarget unsubscribed email addresses? This year, resolve to retarget the right way with a winback campaign that matches unsubscribed email addresses and displays opt-in ads to make it quick and easy to resubscribe, no inbox required.

Expand Your Email List

A data compliant list full of newly resubscribed users is a great start to a new year, but you also need to fill your pipeline with new leads. Opt-in advertising allows you to target users on the websites they already frequent, and co-registration means they can join your list in just a few clicks. There is no landing page, and no wasted clicks. Just new leads ready to turn into customers. 

Want to get started? We can help! Get a free evaluation today.

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Ad Targeting,

Why Lead Generation Is The Most Important Part Of Your Marketing Strategy

lead generation

There are many facets to online marketing: banner ads, search engine optimization, social media marketing, email, and more. But without lead generation, your marketing will never be as effective as it could be. Lead generation fills your pipeline with qualified leads, giving you an interested group to utilize other marketing tactics on. It also provides a solid base to build lookalike models on: these leads have opted in because they are interested in what you have to offer, so it stands to reason that similar people would be interested, too.

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Leads Without Landing Pages,

The Pros and Cons of Lead Generation Landing Pages

lead generation landing pages

For years, the gold standard of lead generation has been landing pages. These dedicated, campaign-specific landing pages were hosted on a brand’s own website and provided a means for full tracking and data capture on a company’s owned website. And while the creation of new lead generation landing pages could be labor intensive at times, there was no other way to reliably build an email database. Enter opt-in advertising, an off-site method of generating leads without landing pages through trusted third-party sites. Still using landing pages for lead generation? You’re not alone. Read on for the pros and cons of dedicated lead generation landing pages, and see if opt-in advertising could be right for you.

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Lead Nurturing, Leads Without Landing Pages, Opt-In Advertising,

3 Lead Generation Resolutions for the New Year

A new year brings a fresh start. It’s the perfect time to evaluate marketing plans, lead generation strategy and advertising budgets. A new year gives you a great reason to take a cold, hard look at last year and see what worked, what didn’t, and where you can improve. So, in the spirit of new year’s resolutions and improving lead generation, we offer three lead generation resolutions to put into practice in 2019.

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Opt-In Advertising,

Get a Jumpstart On Cyber Monday With An Opt-In Campaign

The shoppers are coming. Is your email list ready? There’s still time to build a broader database and increase the leads you can market to. The internet is flooded with online shoppers and holiday planners browsing bargains, recipes and more this time of year. Make the most of it with an opt-in campaign that utilizes third-party sites to generate leads without landing pages on the content your potential leads are already browsing.

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Opt-In Advertising,

4 Frightful Lead Generation Stories To Spook You This Halloween

Lead generation can be downright scary, if you make some of these mistakes. Read on for cautionary tales to scare you this Halloween. And whatever you do…don’t turn off the opt-in!

Landing Page Labyrinth

On a dark and stormy night, a skeleton salesman set out to create a lead generation campaign. He built a complex landing page designed to obtain all the information he needed to build the perfect skeleton exactly to his client’s specifications. The form was long and detailed, including fill-in answers, drop-downs and radio buttons. Multiple buttons and clicks were required to advance and submit the final form. He cackled as he launched the lead generation campaign and sat back to watch the thunder and lightning roar outside.

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