Facebook is known for offering advertisers a lot of data to choose from when targeting potential customers. Think about it: the social network knows every piece of content a user has interacted with, every friend they are connected to and every word of every status update they post. It’s a data goldmine! And your Facebook Lead Ad Targeting can take advantage of all this.
Utilize Specific Location Data
Most marketers use city or state targeting on Facebook, but you can get much more specific than that. Facebook defaults to a pretty wide range of +25 miles, but you can input a specific street address, like your business location perhaps, and target as narrowly as within just a one mile radius. More of an online business? Your Facebook Lead Ad Targeting could be centered around specific physical locations you know are of interest to your audience, such as businesses, community centers, schools, etc.

Image Credit: Facebook
However wide or narrow your geographic area, think about whether you want to target all the people who are in that location currently (using GPS data, when turned on) or just those that say they live there. You can also target those who were traveling and were recently in your area but Facebook knows don’t live there—they were just visiting.
Go Beyond Interests
Many people talk about Facebook Lead Ad Targeting as focussing on those that “like” a certain thing, but it’s actually much more complex than simple interest targeting. You can target certain online activity, such as early adopters of technology, people who upload a lot of photos or those who use Facebook payments, all trademarks of technologically savvy users. You can target like events such as marriage and birth of a child, as well as family size and makeup. Third party data as well as some Facebook Behaviors leads to strong indicators of income and net worth. You can also target charitable giving, car value and homeowners to get a full financial picture.
Combine To Create Psychographics
As you expand your Facebook Lead Ad Targeting beyond simple interests, look to combine categories together to create a well-rounded audience with multiple attributes. Facebook allows you to layer targeting on top of each other, meaning that a user must meet all criteria, not just one. Be sure to group each set of attributes individually in separate boxes and select “INCLUDE people who match at least ONE of the following.” To narrow your Facebook Lead Ad Targeting, start a new category of users that “MUST ALSO match at least ONE of the following.”
You can combine general interests with recent life events, other interests, online activity and Facebook actions. You can target those with friends who have something in common. The goal is to combine various attributes in such a way that you paint a picture of a type of person: a digitally savvy mom who could use an online subscription service for baby items, for example. Or a recent college graduate who is in the market for career services. Go beyond “mom” to get to the heart of what makes your customers tick.
Exclude For Specific Targeting
If your Facebook Lead Ad Targeting includes a wide range of people but has one or two notable exceptions, it may be easier to exclude instead of including certain interests or behaviors. This can be helpful if you don’t want to waste money on users connected to a competitor, for example, or if you know a specific subsection is not likely to convert.
Develop Lookalike Audiences
Facebook will analyze current users who like you page and create a lookalike audience of those with similar interests. If you’ve been posting content and gaining page engagement or video views, you can also create lookalike audiences of people similar to those who engage with your content. This provides a wide field of people who are likely to engage with you. You can then refine this often large and undefined audience with Facebook Lead Targeting criteria as outlined above.
There is an overwhelming amount of data available for Facebook Lead Ad Targeting, but the power is incredible. You just have to know how to harness it and combine attributes to find the right leads for you.