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How To: Use Instagram Reels to Grow Your Email List

Turns out, TikTok trends and Instagram dances can actually help build your email list. You just have to be willing to move fast, and occasionally get outside your comfort zone. Because while most marketing content can be planned in advance, much of the viral success of Reels relies on timing. It can be hard to predict what sound or idea will be next, but we’ve got a few tips to help likes, and email subscribes, go up.

Be Timely and Trendy

What sets Reels apart from the regular feed of Instagram is the discoverability. A user’s feed is curated by who they follow, but the Instagram algorithm surfaces Reels that it thinks a user might like, even if they are not following that account. There are a lot of ways to improve your reach and discoverability, but a major factor is timeliness.

Reels are all about trends. Whether it’s a song, sound, dance move or challenge, there is always a new “thing” that everyone is doing. The key is to catch it early and get creative about what works for your brand. They won’t all be a fit, but you have to act fast.

Get Creative and Crafty

Not only do you need to think fast, you’ve got to connect it to your brand and get it produced quickly. First, identify what seems like a brand fit. Dances may not be for you, but enumerating “three reasons why” could be perfect. Then, determine your angle. Is this a customer centric post, or more insider? Is it funny, or serious? Third, get filming! This requires a phone and maybe a light. You need to move quickly, so let go of the idea of commercial shoots and editing. Add hashtags, post, and engage with those comments to watch the new leads roll in!

Boost Your Best Content

While you normally may focus on conversions with your ad buys, the KPI here is engagement. You want to see what is resonating with people and then give that some extra gas with a paid boost. This helps lift your overall account and will get you in front of highly engaged users. You should see a natural lift in email sign-ups from this, but to really take it to the next level you can strategically retarget these engaged users with an Instagram Lead Generation Ad.

Ready to get started? A free evaluation will set you up for success with lead generation ads on Instagram and Facebook.

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