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Lead Nurturing,

How Soon Should You Start Lead Nurturing?

lead nurturing email timeline

Now that you’ve started generating leads without landing pages, the next step is to nurture those leads into converting customers. You started with a desired target audience, then showed them some basic branding ads. That narrowed your audience down to allow for efficient lead ads. Now you’ve collected contact information of those who meet your customer criteria and were interested enough in your ads to offer up their email address—or maybe more. But the battle isn’t quite over. You have a more personalized way to reach them, but you still have to close the deal. That’s where lead nurturing comes in.

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Lead Nurturing,

Top 10 Lead Nurturing Email Subject Lines

email list quality

Lead nurturing email subject lines have long been a struggle for marketers. They’re the first thing a customer or potential customer sees, and the biggest reason they click to open your email, or send it to the trash without even reading your content or seeing an offer. They are vulnerable to screen size, truncating or cutting off at varying points depending on where and how you read your email. Tricky characters or emoji can render differently, altering your message.

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Lead Nurturing, Leads Without Landing Pages,

6 Quick Tips for Lead Nurturing

sales growth from lead nurturing

Whether you’re running a traditional lead generation campaign or testing how to collect leads without landing pages, the end result is the same: you’ve got a lot of leads to follow up on! Remember, lead generation is only half the battle, and then lead nurturing comes into play.These leads have expressed interest, but they’re not your customers—yet. But you can convert them into paying customers quickly with the following lead nurturing tips.

1. Follow Up Fast

Ideally your new leads are immediately receiving an email. This requires linking your CRM to your lead generation campaign, whether it’s on Facebook or other websites. Can’t make that work right now? Include a confirmation screen in your ad and send the initial email to leads as soon as possible to start the lead nurturing process. Within 48 hours is best, and try not to go longer than a week. You don’t want your shiny new leads to forget about you!

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