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Advanced Lead Tactics, Facebook Lead Ads, Facebook Tips,

Advanced Tips for Facebook Lead Generation

facebook lead generation tips

There are a tremendous number of options available when building a Facebook lead generation campaign. The targeting capabilities, form builder and multiple media types are very powerful, but they can also be overwhelming when you’re first starting to capture leads without landing pages on Facebook. First-time Facebook lead generation campaigns may be a bit simpler. But as you gain experience with the platform, it can be beneficial to dig into the more advanced options available to you. Here are a few opportunities to boost your Facebook lead generation performance.

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Leads Without Landing Pages,

The Top 3 Types of Lead Generation Offers

lead generation offers

No matter where your lead ads are running, every campaign needs lead generation offers. You’re asking users for personal contact information: email address at a minimum, and sometimes more, depending on your business model or service cost. Most people won’t provide their details without feeling like there is an immediate and tangible benefit to them. And if you’re gathering leads without landing pages, they may not even be on your site when they submit their information. Which means that a compelling call-to-action and strong incentive to click “submit” are key.

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How To Guides, Leads Without Landing Pages,

How To: Build a Lead Generation Funnel Without Landing Pages

Online lead generation used to include a complicated web of offers, ads, landing pages, and tracking codes. This scared away many businesses who could seriously benefit from lead generation. Luckily, we’ve since entered the era of leads without landing pages. This cuts the number of pieces in your lead generation campaign by half, saving you time, money and headache as you build a lead generation funnel. The key is to keep it simple by using the 3 Rs of lead generation without landing pages.

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Ad Targeting, Facebook Lead Ads, Facebook Tips, Lead Ad Creative,

How To Tell When It’s Time To Refresh Your Facebook Lead Ads

facebook lead ads relevance

It can take a few days to get up and running, but once those Facebook Lead Ads are at full steam, you should be seeing strong clicks to your Facebook lead form and lead completion rates. Hooray! You’re running a successful leads without landing pages campaign. But then, something happens. Slowly, your completion rate dips and over time you notice a distinct downward trend. This doesn’t mean your Facebook Lead Ad campaign is doomed. It just means it’s time to refresh all or part of the campaign.

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Lead Ad Creative, Lead Nurturing, Leads Without Landing Pages,

4 Key Steps to Take Before Running a Lead Generation Campaign

Whether you’re gathering leads without landing pages or running a more traditional lead generation campaign, there’s some legwork to be done before you launch your actual lead generation ads. It can be tempting just to jump right in, especially when you can run a campaign to generate lead without setting up landing pages. Yes, fully integrated lead ad units save a lot of time and resources, but you’ll want to thoughtfully plan out your campaign for maximum efficiency and optimum cost per lead. Here are a few steps to take:

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Lead Nurturing, Leads Without Landing Pages,

6 Quick Tips for Lead Nurturing

sales growth from lead nurturing

Whether you’re running a traditional lead generation campaign or testing how to collect leads without landing pages, the end result is the same: you’ve got a lot of leads to follow up on! Remember, lead generation is only half the battle, and then lead nurturing comes into play.These leads have expressed interest, but they’re not your customers—yet. But you can convert them into paying customers quickly with the following lead nurturing tips.

1. Follow Up Fast

Ideally your new leads are immediately receiving an email. This requires linking your CRM to your lead generation campaign, whether it’s on Facebook or other websites. Can’t make that work right now? Include a confirmation screen in your ad and send the initial email to leads as soon as possible to start the lead nurturing process. Within 48 hours is best, and try not to go longer than a week. You don’t want your shiny new leads to forget about you!

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Facebook Lead Ads,

Are Your Facebook Lead Ads Working? Here’s How to Tell

facebook lead ads reporting

You’ve got your first Facebook Lead Ad campaign up and running. Creative looks good, call to action is strong and your offer is compelling. You’ve even added a concisely worded Context Card and pared back your lead form field to encourage quick submission. But are your Facebook Lead Ads working? Are they generating Facebook Leads for you? And furthermore, what’s the quality of those leads? Here are a few questions to answer in order to tell:

Are You Acquiring Facebook Leads?

Log into Facebook Ads Manager and take a look at your Facebook Lead Ad campaign. First and foremost, you want to see the sheer number of Facebook Leads you’ve gathered through your campaign. (We’ll get to cost and quality soon.) The Facebook Ads Manager Dashboard will quickly show you campaign metrics, including the number of leads submitted.

facebook lead ads reporting

Image credit: Facebook

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Landing Pages, Leads Without Landing Pages,

Top 5 Problems With Landing Pages

landing pages

Landing pages have long been the gold standard of lead generation. Countless webinars, ebooks and tutorials are dedicated to helping marketers improve their landing pages in order to lower cost per lead while getting more high-quality leads that lead to conversions and customers. After all, lead generation itself is only half the battle: once you have their data, you still have to convert leads into customers.

But are landing pages really helping you achieve that goal? They may have early on, but dedicated landing pages created specifically for lead generation may not be the way to go for your next campaign. Here are a few reasons why:

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Facebook Lead Ads, Landing Pages, Leads Without Landing Pages,

4 Reasons To Skip The Lead Generation Landing Page

Why you don't need a lead generation landing page

For years a landing page was the gold standard in online ad destinations, particularly for lead generation. For some a lead generation landing page was simply a destination url, an existing page already part of their site navigation and merely assigned as the designated landing page for an ad without any changes or optimization based on the campaign. But many marketers would spend countless resources crafting unique landing pages for each campaign, and sometimes for each piece of creative in that campaign. What started as a way to more easily track and convert customers could quickly become unmanageable. We’ve all been there. And you know what we say? Skip the landing page! Here’s why:

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