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Opt-In Advertising,

3 Ways To Use Data to Win Back Customers

win back customers

Whether you use a sophisticated CRM or a basic inventory and customer database, you have a lot of data on your customers and their purchase behavior. You also have an unsubscribed list of users, many of whom are probably former customers who you would like to win back. The catch? You can’t use the information you have on these unsubscribed users to reactivate or resubscribe them via email, because–you guessed it–they’ve unsubscribed! But that doesn’t mean you can’t target them in other ways.

The data you have on your current and former customers can be used to make targeted, fact-based assumptions about your unsubscribed email list. Here are three ways to use data to win back customers.

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Opt-In Advertising,

The Top 3 Benefits of Opt-In Advertising

The term “opt-in” comes up a lot in online marketing. Single opt-in and double opt-in are two different methods of consent, most often used in relation to email. And in a way, people “opt-in” to your marketing in a variety of ways, including following you on social media. But when we talk about opt-in advertising, we’re talking about users who are opting in to your email list through an ad shown on a third-party site, typically through a co-registration form where their information has already been pre-populated for an easy opt-in. So while there are many ways to opt-in to marketing messaging, here are three reasons to specifically choose opt-in advertising for your next lead generation campaign.

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Lead Nurturing, Leads Without Landing Pages, Opt-In Advertising,

3 Lead Generation Resolutions for the New Year

A new year brings a fresh start. It’s the perfect time to evaluate marketing plans, lead generation strategy and advertising budgets. A new year gives you a great reason to take a cold, hard look at last year and see what worked, what didn’t, and where you can improve. So, in the spirit of new year’s resolutions and improving lead generation, we offer three lead generation resolutions to put into practice in 2019.

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Advanced Lead Tactics, Email Marketing,

How To: Win Back Unsubscribers For The Holiday Shopping Season

The holiday shopping season starts earlier every year. And while it’s not quite in full swing yet, earlybird deals and preview sales are already taking over inboxes. Black Friday and Cyber Monday promise to drive tons of online and in-store traffic. ‘Tis the season to ramp up your efforts and convert those new leads into customers. But it’s also the perfect time to re-engage previous customers with a campaign to win back unsubscribers.

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Opt-In Advertising,

4 Frightful Lead Generation Stories To Spook You This Halloween

Lead generation can be downright scary, if you make some of these mistakes. Read on for cautionary tales to scare you this Halloween. And whatever you do…don’t turn off the opt-in!

Landing Page Labyrinth

On a dark and stormy night, a skeleton salesman set out to create a lead generation campaign. He built a complex landing page designed to obtain all the information he needed to build the perfect skeleton exactly to his client’s specifications. The form was long and detailed, including fill-in answers, drop-downs and radio buttons. Multiple buttons and clicks were required to advance and submit the final form. He cackled as he launched the lead generation campaign and sat back to watch the thunder and lightning roar outside.

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Advanced Lead Tactics, Email Marketing, Opt-In Advertising,

How To Develop A Marketing Strategy For An Unsubscribed Email List

unsubscribed email list

You’ve got a solid email list. And a great email marketing strategy for turning sends into sales. But every email list could be bigger. And every unsubscribe list could be smaller. The key is to put those unsubscribed email addresses to work for you with a campaign to win back unsubscribers. The catch? You can’t email someone who already opted out of your list. So you’re going to need to reach them another way. But once you do, your email marketing strategy will be working twice as hard for you.

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Advanced Lead Tactics,

Why Data Privacy Matters To Win Back Unsubscribers

win back unsubscribers

It’s a given to most businesses that they need to protect the data of their customers. But what about potential leads and unsubscribed users? You might not think of this data as “yours” to protect yet, but perhaps you should. Because you could be inadvertently making a very big privacy mistake if not. By applying the same data privacy policy to any data you interact with, you’ll ensure a compliant, clean database of leads and customers, as well as unsubscribed users. And that sets you up for a better, more cost-effective method of building your email list as you work to win back unsubscribers.

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Advanced Lead Tactics, Email Marketing, Opt-In Advertising,

Resubscribe Email Addresses With Opt-In Advertising

Everyone has an unsubscribe list. Customers get tired of a full inbox and conduct a “spring cleaning” of their email subscriptions, or they sign up for a seasonal reason and opt-out after. Perhaps they think they can simply search for content or offers online and haven’t seen the value of staying on your email list. Whatever the reason, you’ve got a list of unsubscribes you can’t do anything with. Or can you? With opt-in advertising, you can win those subscribers back and resubscibe email addresses to your list.