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Facebook Lead Ads, Opt-In Advertising,

Four Things You Need To Know About Facebook Lead Ads

5 Reasons You Should Try Facebook Lead Ads Today

Whether you’ve been running a variety of Facebook ad types or are considering your first foray into Facebook, Lead Ads offer a compelling advertising opportunity. After all, just about everyone is on Facebook! Lead Ads are a little more complex to set up than other ad types, but they also offer many unique features you wouldn’t otherwise find on the site. Read on to learn four things about Facebook Lead Ads before you start your next campaign.

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Opt-In Advertising,

3 Reasons You Don’t Need Web Traffic Anymore

lead generation web traffic

One of the first things every new business invests in these days is a website. It’s a digital world, and ecommerce is thriving. Even if your product or service can’t be directly purchased online, consumers are searching for advice and information on the web. Online research encompasses Google searches, review sites, recommendations from friends, and more. So yes, your website is a vital part of the business. But how much traffic you get might not be as important as you think. Here are three reasons you don’t need big lead generation web traffic numbers to do serious business online.

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Opt-In Advertising,

Do You Know Where Your Leads Are Right Now?

If you’re wondering what your potential leads are up to, you’re not alone. A lot can happen in an internet minute, but opt-in advertising can help find the right sites to target the right people at the right time. Users are being pulled in multiple directions as they navigate the web, encountering ads, watching videos, conducting searches and scrolling through social feeds. The average user has five social media accounts and will spend five years of their life on these sites. Multiple open browser tabs and windows are the norm. And more than 270 billion emails are sent every day.

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Landing Pages, Opt-In Advertising,

The Downfall of the Landing Page

landing pages

Landing pages. For many years, they were the end goal of a lead generation campaign. Drive traffic to the landing page in order to secure valuable personal information, AKA, a lead. At that point the lead generation campaign is concluded, personal information successfully transferred into a CRM database, and the lead nurturing process begins. And it worked well—for awhile. But as the internet has swelled with more sites and more people, web traffic simply can’t keep up. The downfall of the landing page has begun.

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Facebook Lead Ads, Opt-In Advertising,

3 Ways Opt-In Advertising Is Better Than Facebook Lead Ads

Opt-in advertising beats Facebook Lead Ads

Facebook is always in the news for one topic or another. But one feature that gets overlooked by many marketers is Facebook Lead Ads. This is one of Facebook’s newer ad types and offers an interactive unit that pre-fills known user information in a lead form, making lead generation quick and painless for the potential lead and the business. Or does it? Facebook Lead Ads have a history of underdelivering or yielding a higher Cost Per Lead than other lead sources. If you’re struggling with Facebook Lead Ads, here are three reasons to try opt-in advertising instead.

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Ad Targeting, Budget Optimization, Facebook Lead Ads, Lead Ad Creative, Opt-In Advertising,

What Facebook’s Newsfeed Updates Mean For Facebook Lead Ads

facebook lead ads newsfeed

If you run a Facebook page for your business, you’ve probably heard about the recent changes the site is making to the Newsfeed. They’ve framed it as a shift to focus on updates from friends and family, a return to the first years of Facebook. But what does that mean for brand pages, particularly those running Facebook Lead Ads? Some say a lot; others, very little. It all comes down to how you’ve been using Facebook for your business all along, including Facebook Lead Ads.

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Leads Without Landing Pages, Opt-In Advertising,

Can Everyone Make Opt-In Lead Ads Work?

make opt-in lead ads work

The prospect of generating leads without landing pages is tempting to many businesses, regardless of industry or size. Think about it: you can get a new lead campaign up and running quickly and efficiently, saving time and money on landing page development costs and pricey ad campaigns to drive website traffic. Opt-in lead ads allow you to target potential customers on the sites they already visit. There, they’ll be able to interact with the ad unit and provide all the contact information you need to add them to your database and start nurturing those leads into customers.

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Opt-In Advertising,

How To Opt-In On Cyber Monday

The unofficial kickoff to the holiday shopping season happens earlier and earlier every year. Black Friday sales and Cyber Monday deals used to come on the heels of Thanksgiving; now, retailers are offering preview sales days and even weeks in advance. But Cyber Monday is still predicted to be one of the biggest shopping days of the year. And that’s good news for businesses in any industry.

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Opt-In Advertising,

4 Reasons Every Small Business Should Use Opt-In Advertising

opt-in advertising

Large companies frequently use opt-in advertising as a key tool in their overall marketing efforts. What could be better than presenting a seamless way for an interested user to subscribe to your brand’s newsletter without interrupting their internet experience? But large companies are not the only businesses that can use opt-in advertising to maximum effect. In fact, opt-in advertising can be both productive and cost-effective for small businesses as well. Here are the top reasons opt-in advertising is a great fit for small businesses.

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