Lead Ad Creative,

Lead Nurturing: The Final Phase of Lead Generation

There’s a lot that goes into lead generation: targeting, lead capture forms, double opt-in parameters, and more. (Yes, sometimes this includes landing pages, though we don’t recommend them.) All that effort to generate leads. And then what? Those leads need some extra attention to turn into customers. That’s where lead generation ends, and lead nurturing begins. But rather than look at them as two separate steps, we prefer to think of it as a continual process. Here are a few crucial steps in the lead nurturing phase of lead generation.

Immediate Lead Nurturing Follow-Up

The best time to begin lead nurturing is as soon as these new leads enter your database. Automated emails can be triggered almost instantaneously. If that isn’t on your roadmap quite yet, commit to manually sending emails to new leads within 24 hours of their opt-in. The sooner you begin nurturing, the sooner you can also be converting.

Personalized Lead Nurturing Messaging

Seeing your name in an email drive results. Experian reports that personalized promotional emails have 29% higher unique open rates and 41% more unique click-through rates. Personalization doesn’t have to be limited to names, either. Retarget users by displaying the products or pages they browsed on your website, or tailor messaging around important life events if you have enough data to do it.

Multi-Pronged Lead Nurturing Approach

Lead nurturing doesn’t have to stop at email. Retarget your new leads with display and social ads to kick start your conversions. You want to ensure that these highly engaged new leads convert quickly, before they forget about you or the lead generation promise that hooked them in the first place. Keep your brand top-of-mind with a multi-layered strategy that follows them across the internet, regardless of their browsing or email behavior.

Ready to integrate lead nurturing within your lead generation strategy? We can help.

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Lead Ad Creative,

3 Quick Ways To Nurture New Leads

Your lead generation campaign is running at high gear, and you’re subscribing new leads left and right. Great! Now what’s next? You need a plan to nurture new leads. Without a lead nurturing strategy, those new leads are practically worthless. The ultimate goal is to turn those new leads into customers. An automated lead nurturing campaign is that easiest way to get there, and dynamic content offers true personalization. But that can be time consuming. The truth is, lead nurturing doesn’t have to be complex to be high-converting. Here are three quick ways to nurture new leads right away.

1. Nurture New Leads With a Triggered Email

As soon as a new lead signs up, send them an automated email with the basics of your business, and an offer. You can get fancy later, but right now you want to nurture new leads by helping them remember who you are and why they signed up.

2. Nurture New Leads With Retargeted Ads

Now that you’ve got their email address, you can nurture new leads through a targeted advertising campaign. Upload your new leads into your ad platform of choice and match their email addresses to allow for custom targeting across the web. Show them the same offer as your initial email as a friendly reminder to “buy now.”

3. Nurture New Leads Through Social Media

You can use these email addresses to create a Custom Audience on Facebook or Instagram and nurture new leads through targeted social posts, too. Social sites allow for more context around your offer and really lets your brand personality shine through. Costs can be a bit higher, so use these posts with your top targets in combination with email and other digital ads.

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Opt-In Advertising,

You Need Opt-In Leads To Maintain Data Privacy

Have you thought about how you safeguard your customer data? What about the marketability of your email list? You should. Data privacy regulations are moving into the United States, with California being the first (but certainly not the last) state to take a strong stance around protecting consumer data. Utilizing opt-in advertising for 100% permissioned leads ensure that you have trackable proof of consent for every email in your database. But you also need to make sure that the database itself is secure and that all data transfers use encrypted methods to protect the data in transit. Opt-in advertising can help maintain data privacy every step of the way.

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Lead Ad Creative,

The Secret to Getting Users to Resubscribe to Your Email List

resubscribe to your email list

When you’re sitting on a growing unsubscribed email list, it can be tempting to want to send just one more email to try to win them back. But this is a bad idea, for a few reasons. It might annoy them, and it could even get you in big trouble for violating their privacy. After all, they opted out for a reason. What is that reason? It’s unlikely you know why they left, and that’s where a unique remarketing opportunity comes in. You can target these users, not through email, but through opt-in advertising designed to get them to resubscribe. Read on for the how and the why of a campaign to win back unsubscribers.

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Facebook Lead Ads,

Are Facebook Lead Ads Still a Viable Option?

make opt-in lead ads work

Facebook continues to tackle data privacy issues and false news accusations. Combine that with historically high pricing for Facebook Lead Ads, and many are left wondering if the platform is worth including in any lead generation plan. While target Cost Per Lead (CPL) will vary by industry and individual, we have a few thoughts on Facebook Lead Ads in an era of increasing focus on data privacy.

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Opt-In Advertising,

3 Ways To Use Data to Win Back Customers

win back customers

Whether you use a sophisticated CRM or a basic inventory and customer database, you have a lot of data on your customers and their purchase behavior. You also have an unsubscribed list of users, many of whom are probably former customers who you would like to win back. The catch? You can’t use the information you have on these unsubscribed users to reactivate or resubscribe them via email, because–you guessed it–they’ve unsubscribed! But that doesn’t mean you can’t target them in other ways.

The data you have on your current and former customers can be used to make targeted, fact-based assumptions about your unsubscribed email list. Here are three ways to use data to win back customers.

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Ad Targeting,

Why Lead Generation Is The Most Important Part Of Your Marketing Strategy

lead generation

There are many facets to online marketing: banner ads, search engine optimization, social media marketing, email, and more. But without lead generation, your marketing will never be as effective as it could be. Lead generation fills your pipeline with qualified leads, giving you an interested group to utilize other marketing tactics on. It also provides a solid base to build lookalike models on: these leads have opted in because they are interested in what you have to offer, so it stands to reason that similar people would be interested, too.

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Leads Without Landing Pages,

The Pros and Cons of Lead Generation Landing Pages

lead generation landing pages

For years, the gold standard of lead generation has been landing pages. These dedicated, campaign-specific landing pages were hosted on a brand’s own website and provided a means for full tracking and data capture on a company’s owned website. And while the creation of new lead generation landing pages could be labor intensive at times, there was no other way to reliably build an email database. Enter opt-in advertising, an off-site method of generating leads without landing pages through trusted third-party sites. Still using landing pages for lead generation? You’re not alone. Read on for the pros and cons of dedicated lead generation landing pages, and see if opt-in advertising could be right for you.

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Leads Without Landing Pages, Opt-In Advertising,

Can You Afford Not To Try Opt-In Advertising?

opt-in advertising

There’s nothing wrong with landing pages, but they can make it hard to scale a lead generation program. That’s because traditional lead generation campaigns require you to divert engaged users off the sites they frequent, and over to your own domain. This traffic can come at a steep price. We challenge our clients to “go beyond the landing page.” And we’ve got the opt-in advertising technology to help take on that challenge, with great results.

Our unique “StayPut” ad unit brings the lead generation form to where your target audience actually is, instead of trying to drive them to your landing page. This type of opt-in advertising makes it faster and easier for them to join your list, saving you money and increasing your lead pool quickly.

Tune in below for an interview with Joe Broumand, our CEO, as he explains how opt-in advertising can help you generate leads without landing pages.

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Opt-In Advertising,

The Top 3 Benefits of Opt-In Advertising

The term “opt-in” comes up a lot in online marketing. Single opt-in and double opt-in are two different methods of consent, most often used in relation to email. And in a way, people “opt-in” to your marketing in a variety of ways, including following you on social media. But when we talk about opt-in advertising, we’re talking about users who are opting in to your email list through an ad shown on a third-party site, typically through a co-registration form where their information has already been pre-populated for an easy opt-in. So while there are many ways to opt-in to marketing messaging, here are three reasons to specifically choose opt-in advertising for your next lead generation campaign.

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