Opt-In Advertising,

Sometimes Single Opt-In Is All You Need

When it comes to your email list, are you looking for quantity, or quality? Many marketers would say “both!” But what does quality mean when you’re using opt-in advertising? And is it different with single opt-in vs. double opt-in? While we’re strong proponents for double opt-in, we recognize that it doesn’t always make sense for every business. Single opt-in offers a lower cost way to generate leads that are a little less qualified, but still a great addition to your database.

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Leads Without Landing Pages,

No, You Really Don’t Need A Landing Page

leads without landing pages

It may sound strange, but when it comes to leads, your website isn’t helping you reach your goals. A good website converts leads into customers, but even the best landing pages are wasted on lead generation. These prospects don’t know you yet, so getting them to visit your site and read a lengthy landing page before submitting personal information is an expensive and highly ineffective endeavor. Read on for the top reasons you don’t need a landing page and learn how to generate leads without landing pages.

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Lead Nurturing,

5 Lead Nurturing Tips You Need To Know Now

lead nurturing

Congratulations! Your lead generation efforts have helped you build a solid email list. But that’s just the beginning. Now you’ve got to turn those leads into actual customers. How? Through effective lead nurturing. Often called a drip campaign, this schedule of triggered emails is designed to pull your leads through the funnel, driving conversions and sending them into the next cycle of repeat customers. Ready to get going? Here are five fast facts about lead nurturing you need to know NOW.

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Opt-In Advertising,

How Double Opt-In Advertising Can Alleviate Privacy Concerns

double opt-in advertising for data privacy

In today’s increasingly connected world, privacy is a hot commodity. Personalization and customization have an alluring appeal to consumers, but tailored online experiences require a high level of personal information to work well. And with data breaches in the news almost daily, it can be hard for consumers to trust that the data they do share will be safeguarded. The good news for data-hungry marketers? Double opt-in advertising can help.

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Opt-In Advertising,

How To: Quickly Triple Email Subscribers Without Breaking The Bank

lead generation with opt-in advertising

“I wish I had a smaller email list…” said no one ever. Quality is key, but sometimes sales is strictly a numbers game. A qualified lead is more likely to convert, and more quickly, but how much qualification should you do up front, and how much can come later? If you are looking to build a strong list, opt-in advertising offers an affordable way to grow your database at scale. How fast, how big and how finely tailored? That’s up to you. Here’s how it works.

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Facebook Lead Ads, Opt-In Advertising,

Four Things You Need To Know About Facebook Lead Ads

5 Reasons You Should Try Facebook Lead Ads Today

Whether you’ve been running a variety of Facebook ad types or are considering your first foray into Facebook, Lead Ads offer a compelling advertising opportunity. After all, just about everyone is on Facebook! Lead Ads are a little more complex to set up than other ad types, but they also offer many unique features you wouldn’t otherwise find on the site. Read on to learn four things about Facebook Lead Ads before you start your next campaign.

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Opt-In Advertising,

3 Reasons You Don’t Need Web Traffic Anymore

lead generation web traffic

One of the first things every new business invests in these days is a website. It’s a digital world, and ecommerce is thriving. Even if your product or service can’t be directly purchased online, consumers are searching for advice and information on the web. Online research encompasses Google searches, review sites, recommendations from friends, and more. So yes, your website is a vital part of the business. But how much traffic you get might not be as important as you think. Here are three reasons you don’t need big lead generation web traffic numbers to do serious business online.

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Opt-In Advertising,

Do You Know Where Your Leads Are Right Now?

If you’re wondering what your potential leads are up to, you’re not alone. A lot can happen in an internet minute, but opt-in advertising can help find the right sites to target the right people at the right time. Users are being pulled in multiple directions as they navigate the web, encountering ads, watching videos, conducting searches and scrolling through social feeds. The average user has five social media accounts and will spend five years of their life on these sites. Multiple open browser tabs and windows are the norm. And more than 270 billion emails are sent every day.

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Landing Pages, Opt-In Advertising,

The Downfall of the Landing Page

landing pages

Landing pages. For many years, they were the end goal of a lead generation campaign. Drive traffic to the landing page in order to secure valuable personal information, AKA, a lead. At that point the lead generation campaign is concluded, personal information successfully transferred into a CRM database, and the lead nurturing process begins. And it worked well—for awhile. But as the internet has swelled with more sites and more people, web traffic simply can’t keep up. The downfall of the landing page has begun.

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