Lead Ad Creative, Opt-In Advertising,

How To Maintain Data Privacy While Building an Efficient Email List

opt-in advertising for lead generation

The reality of GDPR has made data privacy a hot topic these days. California will soon implement similar policies, and it’s likely other states will follow. So how do you make the most of the data you have, while still safeguarding the privacy of your customers and leads? Opt-in advertising for lead generation. The key lies in encryption and the use of hashed data to build an efficient email list. It’s a win-win: you keep your customer data safe and secure, and in doing so, provide yourself with a method of lead generation that’s more efficient and cost-effective than anything else out there. Here’s how opt-in advertising for lead generation works:

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Advanced Lead Tactics, Email Marketing, Opt-In Advertising,

Resubscribe Email Addresses With Opt-In Advertising

Everyone has an unsubscribe list. Customers get tired of a full inbox and conduct a “spring cleaning” of their email subscriptions, or they sign up for a seasonal reason and opt-out after. Perhaps they think they can simply search for content or offers online and haven’t seen the value of staying on your email list. Whatever the reason, you’ve got a list of unsubscribes you can’t do anything with. Or can you? With opt-in advertising, you can win those subscribers back and resubscibe email addresses to your list.

Facebook Tips,

Why Facebook’s New Custom Audiences Terms Mean You Need Opt-In

facebook custom audiences data

Privacy and data security continue to be hot topics these days, and will be for some time. Websites around the world updated their terms in the wake of GDPR, and similar measures are set to follow in the coming years across the country. Facebook has faced its share of privacy concerns along the way, so it’s no surprise they updated their terms around the handling and utilization of customer data through Facebook Custom Audience targeting. Read on to see what it means for you, whether you use Facebook Custom Audiences for lead generation or lead nurturing.

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Lead Nurturing,

The One Thing You Can Do To Improve Your Lead Nurturing Immediately

lead nurturing personalization

Lead generation is an important piece of many marketing strategies. But without lead nurturing, those leads can never reach their full potential as loyal customers. Even the most qualified leads are only as good as the lead nurturing efforts that lead them through the sales funnel and convert them into happy, paying customers who spread referrals and make repeat purchases. Hopefully you already have a lead nurturing plan in place, but it can always be improved. And the single biggest improvement often comes from personalization.

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Opt-In Advertising,

How to Rebuild Your Email List After GDPR

gdpr privacy opt-in

GDPR has come into effect, and with it, far-reaching implications for email marketers around the world. While the General Data Protection Regulation may technically only apply to European Union citizens, most have adopted its principles on a global level to ensure full compliance. When it comes to email marketing, this means a sender must have proof of consent for every address they include in their distribution. Didn’t keep your original opt-in records, or maybe used some not-so-white-hat tactics a long time ago? Your email list could have just gotten a lot smaller. Here’s how to rebuild your email list with opt-in advertising.

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Leads Without Landing Pages, Opt-In Advertising,

Do You Know Where Your Leads Are Coming From?

lead generation sources

Leads. Everybody needs them, whether you’re selling a product, service, or just straight up content. A quality email database of qualified leads can be hard to come by, and even harder to create at scale. That’s why we’ll often hear lead generation horror stories of huge email lists full of bogus email addresses or unqualified leads. This can happen for a number of reasons, including email list buying, bulk email additions or poorly targeted lead generation. So, do you know where your leads are coming from?

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Facebook Lead Ads,

Take 2 Minutes To Ensure Your Facebook Lead Ads are GDPR Compliant

facebook lead ads gdpr

Even if your business doesn’t attract a lot of European Union customers, you’ve likely heard a lot about GDPR by now. The General Data Protection Regulation refers to legal guidelines that govern how companies can and cannot use data gathered directly from customers and other sources, including Facebook Lead Ads. Meant to protect European Union citizens, it goes into effect this Friday, May 25, and can have major repercussions for businesses who have any interaction with EU citizens. Bottom line? It’s best to be compliant, even if the majority of your customers are in the United States.

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Ad Targeting,

Using Geo-Location Data For Lead Generation

geo-location data for lead generation

The ubiquity of GPS on mobile devices has made geo-location data an integral part of ad targeting. Gone are the days of Bond villain homing beacons and tracking devices. Now, nearly every cellphone transmits location data and provides the user with maps and hyper-local suggestions for food, entertainment, and more. Apps can use your device’s location in conjunction with a geofence to remind you that you’re due for a shopping trip, or that a new pizza shop just opened up. But it’s not just brick-and-mortar retailers that are benefitting. Your lead generation strategy should make use of geo-location data, too. Here’s how:

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Facebook Lead Ads, Opt-In Advertising,

What To Do If Facebook Lead Ads Aren’t Right For You

facebook lead ads

Facebook Lead Ads sound like the holy grail of opt-in advertising: they’re completely self-contained ad units available on one of the most widely used websites. They even have existing user data to prefill form field, making it incredibly easy for a user to opt-in and move on. This should keep CPLs low and sign-ups high, but that’s not always the case with Facebook Lead Ads. If you’ve found the lead quality on Facebook to be low, or the cost per lead high, there are other opt-in advertising alternatives that can provide quality leads at scale.

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