Opt-In Advertising,

A Guaranteed Way To Win Back Customers This Year

Customers come, and customers go; it’s a natural part of business. But there are many marketing strategies you can employ to ensure that fewer customers opt-out or unsubscribe from your list. And for those that do? You have options to win back customers, even if they have unsubscribed from your list. It takes a little planning and a strategic technology partner, but the results speak for themselves: a higher opt-in rate than with unknown users, and a faster time to purchase as well. Here are the steps you need to take to win back customers.

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Lead Nurturing, Leads Without Landing Pages, Opt-In Advertising,

3 Lead Generation Resolutions for the New Year

A new year brings a fresh start. It’s the perfect time to evaluate marketing plans, lead generation strategy and advertising budgets. A new year gives you a great reason to take a cold, hard look at last year and see what worked, what didn’t, and where you can improve. So, in the spirit of new year’s resolutions and improving lead generation, we offer three lead generation resolutions to put into practice in 2019.

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Lead Nurturing,

3 Last Minute Lead Nurturing Offers For The Holiday Season

It’s not too late to convert last minute holiday shoppers! Online retail and 2-day shipping has allowed present procrastination to grow every year. Put the ease of ecommerce to work for you by employing one of these lead nurturing offers this holiday season.

Free or Upgraded Shipping

Shipping is a hot topic this time of year, and there are quite a few lead nurturing offers that play to that. Many major retailers are offering free shipping, expedited shipping, or both! This is easier and more cost effective for someone like Amazon or Target to operationalize, but it doesn’t mean you can’t take advantage of the trend in your own way. Can’t foot the bill for full free shipping? Offer a low flat rate, or tier the shipping offer by order value. You can also discount upgraded or expedited shipping to help gifts get there in time, without sacrificing profit. Any lead nurturing email that mentions free shipping (even with a caveat) is sure to resonate with consumers this time of year.

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Lead Nurturing,

5 Easy Steps to Improve Your Lead Nurturing Efforts

lead nurturing

Effective inbound marketing can draw customers to your brand and get them interested, but you are leaving a lot of sales on the table if you are not putting any effort into lead nurturing. Only about 4% of consumers are ready to buy the first time they encounter your brand.

With lead nurturing, you can move people in the other 96% through your marketing funnel and get them closer to becoming a paying customer. Incorporating lead generation into your email strategy is an effective way to increase your chances of success. While email best practices, like using a verified email list and tracking key metrics, remain important, the following are a few additional ways to improve your lead nurturing efforts.

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Lead Ad Creative,

4 Key Lead Nurturing Emails You Need To Send

lead nurturing emails

All too often we hear a lot about lead generation, and not enough about lead nurturing. And while a strong focus on attracting quality leads is a good start, without lead nurturing those leads are almost worthless. Lead nurturing is the process by which leads are converted into customers, making it an essential part of any sales or lead generation process. Lead nurturing can take many forms, but the hardest working and most effective sales tool is typically a lead nurturing email series. The content may vary a bit by industry, but we’ve identified four key lead nurturing emails you need to send to start converting leads into sales.

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Opt-In Advertising,

Get a Jumpstart On Cyber Monday With An Opt-In Campaign

The shoppers are coming. Is your email list ready? There’s still time to build a broader database and increase the leads you can market to. The internet is flooded with online shoppers and holiday planners browsing bargains, recipes and more this time of year. Make the most of it with an opt-in campaign that utilizes third-party sites to generate leads without landing pages on the content your potential leads are already browsing.

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Email Marketing,

How To: Realize Email Marketing ROI by Focusing on the Full Customer Journey

email marketing stats

Email marketing has come a long way since Gary Thuerk sent the first email marketing blast in 1978. Despite all the other means of communication and marketing channels that have arisen, email is still one of the most ubiquitous forms of communication and a key marketing channel for most businesses. But calculating email marketing ROI can be a struggle for some. Read on to see how the full customer journey factors into yours.
email marketing infographic
Source: Oberlo. Check out the complete infographic with more email marketing stats on their blog.

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Advanced Lead Tactics, Email Marketing,

How To: Win Back Unsubscribers For The Holiday Shopping Season

The holiday shopping season starts earlier every year. And while it’s not quite in full swing yet, earlybird deals and preview sales are already taking over inboxes. Black Friday and Cyber Monday promise to drive tons of online and in-store traffic. ‘Tis the season to ramp up your efforts and convert those new leads into customers. But it’s also the perfect time to re-engage previous customers with a campaign to win back unsubscribers.

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Opt-In Advertising,

4 Frightful Lead Generation Stories To Spook You This Halloween

Lead generation can be downright scary, if you make some of these mistakes. Read on for cautionary tales to scare you this Halloween. And whatever you do…don’t turn off the opt-in!

Landing Page Labyrinth

On a dark and stormy night, a skeleton salesman set out to create a lead generation campaign. He built a complex landing page designed to obtain all the information he needed to build the perfect skeleton exactly to his client’s specifications. The form was long and detailed, including fill-in answers, drop-downs and radio buttons. Multiple buttons and clicks were required to advance and submit the final form. He cackled as he launched the lead generation campaign and sat back to watch the thunder and lightning roar outside.

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Advanced Lead Tactics, Email Marketing,

Why Data Privacy Matters At Every Stage of Lead Generation

data privacy

As a marketer, data protection is probably top of mind most days. It’s clear that privacy regulations are becoming the norm, and for good reason. But without a standard policy, it can be hard to determine what is required to truly maintain data privacy and when this all needs to happen. We’re here to tell you that it’s not as complex as you might fear, but data privacy does matter at every stage of lead generation. Customer or not, it’s your job to safeguard the data of your leads, potential leads and prospects.

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